Thursday, November 25, 2010

Laws of the Universe???

Would you believe? OR Do you believe? Hmmmm sounds a bit strange to some...I learnt briefly about the Laws of the Universe when I did a Power Up To Peak Performance Workshop with

There are 7 Laws of the Universe (what I know anyways) and some are easy to believe, and others some stuggle with. I wont blog all 7 in one go! Be a bit long. But I thought I might do one at a time and try to relate it to an experience in my life. Some of the Laws, I really understand and relate to, some I am still trying to figure out and I guess this blog will also help me to "figure it out!"

Now my initial thought about Laws of the Universe was, "Laws of the Universe!, but who polices these Laws? What happens if they are broken? Whats the punishment?" and what I learnt was that the Laws of the Universe are not the same as our laws, or government laws (whatever you would call them)
You see, the Laws of the Universe are constant, always have been and always will, you CANNOT break them! So you may be thinking if you cannot break them there is no punishment??? Well I guess? but the terms of weather you get punished or not it how you percieve these laws and how you will use them to ensure that you have a happy outcome, because there can be big differences!!!

So am I confusing you yet? Hmmmm I am getting confused myself a little, I have read back over what I have written a few times to change some stuff! Hang in there as it may make sence soon!

Hmmm ok so I have googled the 7 Laws of the Universe, and one I thought was it, is not on the list, so possibly there is 8? Or this one I will start off with may not be? Someone may be able to leave a comment and enlighten us!

Ok, so I will start with the Law we ALL know, well we all should know. And this is the one that was not listed in the 7 laws I googled! I have been searching it more and I am getting confused! So I will just get on with it and someone can correct me if I am wrong!
Please rememeber these are just "my interpretation" of what it is.

"Law of Gravity"
Now as I said we ALL know this so it is easy! Ok now, the law is constant so it is in play ALL the time, what goes up, must come down! And the law is law, you can use the law to your advantage or the law can be used against you. And the law does not give you a second chance if you don't know it.

Example one - the law does not give you a second chance:
(this did not actually happen) Dallas (a 2 year old boy) is climbing up the rails on the deck, an he gets to the top (by this time he is about 2 m off the ground) and swings his leg over to escape down the other side, then all of a sudden he slips and falls. Now, he does not know or understand the law of gravity yet. He is going to fall and possibly hurt himself - the law does not care that he does not know the law, as I said its constant - he will fall (unless mummy is there to catch him!) But you get my drift? The law does not say "oh well he is only 2, he does not understand the law of gravity yet, lets let him off and gently lower him so he does not hurt himself!" No he will fall!

Example two - the law in you favour:
Now you see this in the movies! A two story building is on fire and there is someone trapped on the top floor. You see them come to the window and there is no other way to get out, so the fire fighter tells them they have to jump! and they have a safety mat to land on. So the person stuck in the house plucks up the courage to do it, they jump and gravity forces them down. They land on the mat and they are safe and sound. Gravity in your favour, the person is safe out of the burning building.

Example three - the law against you:
Well I am sure you can think yourself of the law against you, I can think of lots but would rather let you think about it! Not too much though! You can use my first example where Dallas falls as against you as well.

Ok well that will do today! I actually started this last night, then I fell asleep with the kids at 8pm!
Happy reading and hope you find it interesting!

More to follow...

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