Reflecting back on life, and thinking about what I have done, where I have been and where I am going...A good thing for everyone to do every now and then, and I guess its that time of the year when we do begin to think about this all, as christmas and the end of the year are around the corner...a time to start thinking of our New Years Resolutions if you make them! or I am more of a person that will reflect on what I have achieved and refocus on my goals that are not yet met!
I used to think that what I had achieved in my life did not really matter, particularly if it was not relevant to what I am doing now, but at the end of the day it all falls into place and relates to one another someway, and what we have done throughout our life is a journey that has lead us here to where we are now. The mistakes, the good stuff....everything has made us the person we are!
Are you a person who sets goals? Goals is a funny one, and I never believed in setting goals so much in the past. Sure I used to have dreams much like most of us, however some dreams I would believe out of reach so that is where I would keep them, as a dream...nothing more! Since then I have learnt that ANYTHING you BELIEVE you CAN do! What you think may be impossible is actually possible. And set your goals HIGH, beyond your wildest dreams, even if you at the time believe that you can not achieve it! Fake it till you make it! So give this a try...
Set one goal now, set a time to achieve it by, now double that goal and half that time! Now if you achieve 50% of that goal you have achieved 100% of what you actually wanted! See what I mean? And if you do not achieve that goal in that set time, reset your time! never let it go...
Something else I always believe is that your goals will always be lived, if not in your life time, in your childrens life time or grand childrens life time and so on...SO that alone is worth setting high goals for yourself.
See you plant a seed, being the dream, then you water the seed, being the belief in the dream, then it manifests and as long as you keep watering the seed - believing in the goal IT WILL HAPPEN!
I am going to use L.I.F.E as my example (the short version!) -
When I started my photography business 2 years ago, I had idea - L.I.F.E... I kept that idea in my head and it grew from there...what it was going to be...WHY I wanted to do it...I did not know so much HOW I was going to do it.
A year later I meet Marie who is now a friend and the other half of L.I.F.E, 6 months later something made me approach the idea to her, I honestly did not know she had an amazing talent of writing.
Now we have our first product!
So I kept dreaming the dream! and focusing on WHY I wanted to do it, and the HOW just showed up! I still don't know HOW the rest will end up, but I will focus on WHY we are doing it and WHY I want to do it...and the HOW will show up. You just have to have faith that it will, because it always will.
And the more you believe this, the easier it will be...
So I will be setting some more goals soon and re setting some old ones! I will keep you posted!